Thanksgiving Request Form



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Please note that Thanksgivings are currently conducted only on the First Sundays of the month

Add a photo that can be displayed by the media team during the Thanksgiving Service

  • No food is allowed in the Sanctuary at any time.
  • ONLY packed meals should be handed out to your guests and you must ensure that they do not eat the food in the Sanctuary.
  • Remove all leftover food items and drinks from the Facility.
  • Do not leave any tables, or other items used for distributing your food, lying around in the facility.
  • It is your responsibility to inform the Church office that you will be handing food out to your guests so that you can be properly guided. 
  • You understand that any further requests pertaining to facility use will be treated as an event, and will be handled by the events center managers. 
You have read and agree to the facility use agreement above*